STUDIO 1 - Group Fitness
All classes are suitable For Beginners
BARRE CONNECT A 45-minute, low-impact class designed around the fundamentals of ballet, yoga, and functional strength to give members a total body workout experience.
DANCE MOVES 60 minutes of dance, need we say more?! Everything from hip-hop to salsa to 50’s swing. Our very own Lifetime instructor combines decades of her own dance background and fitness instruction to bring you a fast paced hour of movement
GRIT A 30-minute HIIT workout that combines simple and functional exercises, awesome music and professional coaching to push your body and mind to new limits. This HIIT workout will challenge members to work at 85% max heart rate. Participants experience rapid shifts in their body composition and metabolic health because of the true HIIT design.
GROUP POWER Group Power is YOUR HOUR OF POWER! Blast all your muscle groups using an adjustable barbell, weight plates, and body weight. Group Power combines squats, lunges, presses and curls with functional integrated movements. Dynamic music and a motivating group atmosphere will get your heart rate up, make you sweat, and push you to a personal best. Power Up!
Lift4Life Lift4Life classes are geared towards participants who want to use strength training as a means to an active lifestyle. Without regular exercise balance, flexibility and strength decrease leaving us susceptible to injury. Exercises are carefully chosen to improve strength, range of movement, endurance and balance for the life you want to lead outside of the gym.
REBEL DANCE Rebel Dance is called “Rebel” for a reason! Join others for the most rebellious workout you’ve ever experienced! Rebel Dance is designed to be a dynamic cardio dance class where members refuel and have fun. It is a judgment free zone where members can feel confident, and maybe a little sexy. This inclusive class is for anyone looking to challenge their mind and body while having fun. Dance to mostly rap, hip hop and other genres with original choreography.
STEP Follow our instructor through a prepared 55-minute routine utilizing the Step. Our instructor provides modifications and breakdowns of foot patterns so that it becomes easier to follow and maximizes the FUN!
STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT A 45-minute class for those seeking a pure strength workout designed around muscle hypertrophy. A 12-week progressive strength training program modeled around traditional strength training designs. Strength Development is specifically designed to progressively build strength, improve mechanics and technique, elevate overall fitness and build one’s confidence in the weight room. Whether you are a seasoned lifter or new to strength training, Strength Development will give you results.
S.W.E.A.T (speed, weights, endurance, and tabatas) A circuit style, athletic conditioning class that is all about finding YOUR edge and taking it to the next level. Utilizing exercise tools such as the TRX, kettlebells, rowing machines and body weight will keep the class fun and constantly changing, all while getting fit. Increase your strength, power and cardio capacity in 45 minutes. Are YOU ready? All ability levels are welcome.
TRX A suspension training system that involves a variety of multi-planar, compound movements that are performed to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It leverages gravity and the user's body weight to complete dozens of exercises. TRX easily compliments any traditional strength training &/or Crossfit routine.
ZUMBA A high energy dance class that helps improve cardiovascular fitness while also enhancing balance, coordination and agility through the application of beginner-accessible choreography. Plus, Zumba is FUN! Veronica is a talented instructor with tons of energy and years of teaching experience. The playlist is set to upbeat salsa and international music, and ZUMBA will keep you excited to exercise and return for more!! There is NO BETTER way to unwind and destress from your workday than with Zumba!
STUDIO 2 - Cycling
Indoor Cycling can improve your cardiovascular fitness, burn fat and tone one's hips, thighs and glutes. It can also be a great cross-training tool for runners, tri-athletes and the like. All fitness levels are welcome and all classes are suitable for beginners.
RHYTHM RIDE Rhythm Ride instructors design their workouts with music being the heart and soul of each class. The playlists create a fun, entertaining atmosphere and help the time really fly by! Members can expect to ride to “the beat” of the music, using the slow or fast rhythm to determine the speed at which the class will ride.
SPRINT A 30 minute HIIT workout using an indoor bike to achieve fast results. It’s a short, intense style of training using cadence, speed, and power.
VIBE A VIBE class is more than just a workout, it’s a party on a bike! VIBE classes pump energetic music into the room where riders pedal to the beat, The studio is low-lit with fun mood lighting, Motivating instructors challenge participants and provide a welcoming community.
AQUA AEROBICS FUN, FUN, FUN! Great workout that includes cardiovascular, toning & stretching excercises. All levels welcome. 60 min.
AQUA BALL Play games and have fun with Aqua Ball. Helps to improve cardio, coordination, strength and balance in the water and on land. On Thursdays, you can do a combination class of Aqua exercises first followed by 30 minutes of Aqua Ball for a total of 60 min.
NTENSITY AQUA Bootcamp in the pool! Work on various strokes and swimming drills. Learn flip turns and refine technique to swim quickly and efficiently. Class also incorporates a small amount of plyometrics, calisthenics and weight training on the pool deck.
SENIOR AQUA AEROBICS Designed for the beginner to intermediate fitness levels. Enjoy games, activities & aerobic moves, with toning and stretching excercises—all in one. 50-60 min.
TOTAL BODY AQUA Great workout that includes cardiovascular, toning & stretching excercises. All levels welcome. 60 min.
WATER VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Get ready for some fun! Teams of four will compete against each other for Lifetime pool domination. League meets every Wednesday morning from 7:45 to 8:45. All levels and ages are welcome to join. 60 min.
STUDIO 4 - Yoga
Any Classes that say REDHOT are classes performed in a heated environment with the use of our red infrared lights. The room temperature will be raised to 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you want heat but not THAT much, ask a teacher where you should set up. The studio has less hot spots they can direct you to!
REDHOT YOGA FLOW This class is our most popular. A vinyasa style class incorporates the flowing postures of vinyasa with the heat and light from our infrared heaters. Come increase core strength and balance while loosening your muscles as you flow through movements in the warm glow of infrared lighting. This can be a faster paced class so be prepared to sweat! 75 min.
REDHOT ORIGINAL You will flow through balancing, core strengthening and calming postures. More emphasis will be placed on holding postures longer and moving deeper into them. 75 min.
REDHOT YOGA SCULPT A workout designed to tone and sculpt your entire body. You will incorporate light dumbbells as you move through sun salutations and other yoga postures, enabling extra length and depth in each pose. Intense, yet easy to follow, Red Hot Yoga Sculpt will compliment your current yoga practice while pushing your strength, flexibility and endurance to new levels. 75 min.
GENTLE FLOW Great for beginners or seasoned practitioners, this class focuses on the foundations of strength, flexibility, and breath work. A major theme in this class is finding safe alignment while honoring the needs of your unique body.
GRAFFITI A loud, high energy black lite class! This class is designed for the more experienced yoga practitioners that are looking to let loose and practice some yoga on their own terms. Class will move fast, is very self lead with three different asana sequences each building off one another. Come join the party!!!
VITALITY YOGA Classes geared towards those 50's, 60's & 70's who want to lead an active lifestyle but with a gentler touch. As we age, balance, flexibility and strength decrease leaving us susceptible to injury. Vitality classes are designed to offset the natural process of aging, and increase your quality of life.
RELAX, RENEW & RESTORE Using props, breath, and meditation, this class focuses on supporting the body in order to release tension. Rather than pushing the body, striving for a deeper pose, we allow the body to find a pose in its own time- stilling the mind to tap into the innate intelligence of the body. This is a perfect complement to your busy lifestyle.
REDHOT FUSION The class begins by connecting your body and mind through Pranayama breathing techniques which nurtures a high level of bodily health and mental clarity. Once you have connected your mind and body you will be guided through a series of Kundalini and Kriya movements which will cleanse and awaken your body’s chakras as you meditate and flow through the progressions.
MVMT TRAINING MOVEMENT. Let’s move well, together. In 60 mins, a MVMT class is a warmup, skill & strength work & a conditioning workout. We provide the challenge, you provide the work, all done within a supportive community. The MVMT Daily Workout is part of a carefully planned program combining the best of ALL fitness methods to challenge you with varying intensities & energy systems, using functional movements across broad time domains. We recommend new athletes take our Foundations Course as a way to get started in MVMT classes.
FOUNDATIONS Recommended for all athletes beginning the 307 Athlete program. Learn all the foundational movements needed to get a head start in MVMT Training classes. Update your vocabularty with all the terminology used in class and be ready to tackle the daily workouts. Learn in depth the methodology used in daily classes and experience what the workouts will feel like. Sign up for Foundations at the desk or go here.
OLYMPIC LIFTING Class will teach fundamentals of all Olympic lifts including power clean, and power snatch. You will focus on proper progression and technique to help you to excel at weight lifting. This is a beneficial class for anyone looking to improve their form, strength and power- from teens who are participating in sports, to body builders to CrossFitters wanting to develop skill and efficiency with the bar. 60 min.
307 ATHLETE VARSITY 307 Athlete combines gymnastics, body-weight calisthenics, and weightlifting elements to develop capacity across 10 General Physical Skills, with additional focus on elements that encourage bone density and vestibular system development.
BULLY PROOF LIMITED TIME COURSE: A 10-12 week course designed to empower our 10-13 year olds with the words and physical skills they need to confidently stand up for themselves using the principles of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Offered in the Winter and Summer each year. Check 307athlete.com for info and signup.
FUNDAMENTALS White Belt class: Designed for those starting the sport and those students who are working toward their Blue Belt. This 60m class includes a warm-up, technical lesson, and light-moderate drilling.
INTERMEDIATE II 2nd degree White Belts and up: The in-depth technical instruction covers a more refined set of positional training and core movements. This 60m class includes an intense work out, comprehensive technical lesson, and moderate to intense drilling, reping, and sparing (rolling).
ADVANCED Blue Belts and up: Covers a wide array of training methodology including Gi and NoGi training. This class is 45-60m and includes mature technical instruction in addition to intense training, drilling, and sparing (rolling).
RANDORI 1st degree White Belts and up: In this “open mat” format, students will be guided through an intense workout as well as rolling instructions. This 60m class includes games, drills, rep-work and moderate to intense sparring (rolling).
GIRLS IN GIS Girls Only class open to women of any belt level. It is designed for those starting the sport and those students who are working toward their Blue Belt. This 60m class includes a warm-up, technical lesson, and light-moderate drilling.
COMPETITION Seasonal class for Blue Belts and up as well as any 1st degree White Belt (and up) who has the expressed consent of the Professor. It is designed for those who desire to compete at tournament in sport Jiujitsu or for those who would like to be in “competition shape”. This 60m class is not for the faint of heart. It will include drilling, repping, sparring (rolling), and take downs, at the highest skill levels as well as mock matches for points among the student base.
BULLY PROOF LIMITED TIME COURSE: A 10-12 week course designed to empower our 10-13 year olds with the words and physical skills they need to confidently stand up for themselves. Offered in the Winter and Summer each year. Check 307athlete.com for info and signup.
RESISTANCE LIMITED TIME COURSE: This 16 lesson course is a highly refined system of intelligent self-defense for women (teen-senior) based on the most fundamental techniques Brazilian JiuJitsu has to offer. Resistance is offered in the Winter and Summer each year. Check 307athlete.com for info and signup.