Butch began his fitness journey at a young age playing both defensive nose guard and tail back positions in football. Football launched him into weight lifting and bodybuilding. He realized his gift for programming and training at Sioux Falls where he played college football, as he programmed for himself and fellow athletes. Since college he has had the opportunity to work with some of the top athletes in the bodybuilding world. In 2005 he moved to Arlington, TX where he worked out of the “OG” Metroflex (voted most hard-core gym in the U.S.). There he was mentored by owner Brian Dobson. Butch trained alongside, as well as, assisted in training and nutrition for Ronnie Coleman, Branch Warren, Mr Texas Jay Moore, Johnny O. Jackson and countless other pro IFBB bodybuilders and athletes. Butch has spent almost 20 years working with Branch Warren, both in assisting training programs for fellow athletes but also being trained by him to compete in 3 Mr. Olympias and 2 Arnold Classics himself. Butch adds to his resume training and programming for several armature body builders, physique competitors, figure/fitness competitors and bikini competitors. His background in Law Enforcement, Corrections and Dallas SWAT has lended him the opportunity to train and program for military/law enforcement, first responders and civilians in functional strength, firearms, and inoculated stress shooting. Butch’s experience lies completely in personal experience, learning from the masters and success in training other competitors. Your success IS his priority.